5 Reasons to use Dermatix

Scar Removal

14 Mar 5 Reasons to use Dermatix

We’ve all been there: an unsavoury scrape, an unfortunate burn or something more serious – an operation. All of the above are causes of blemishes to our largest organ; the skin, and whilst scars are a natural part of the skin’s healing process, you don’t have to put up with them. Using Dermatix means that you can show your skin with confidence, come rain or shine.

Whilst there are alternatives to covering up unsightly scars, such as make up, or more permanent options such as laser surgery, silicone scar treatment is recommended as the first-line of therapy in scar management. [1]

Scar Removal

“”Dermatix is proven to significantly flatten and reduce redness [2]”

Sound too good to be true? It isn’t! Here are a few more ways in which Dermatix is top of the market for reducing visible scars.

1. It’s Convenient.
Whether you choose the Dermatix Silicone Gel or the Dermatix Silicone Clear Sheet, application is simple and with minimum fuss you can start reducing your unsightly scars on a daily basis. With the Silicone Gel, simply apply once in the morning and once at night. Opting for a Silicone Sheet instead? Simply pop onto the scarred area and leave for 12-23 hours. Easy, right?

2. It’s Discreet.
When you’re already paranoid about the surface of your skin, it’s unlikely that you would want to put something on that’s going to draw attention to it. With Dermatix, there’s nothing to worry about. The Silicone Gel and Silicone Sheet are transparent, meaning that they blend into the skin and get to work discreetly, so you can feel your most confident self.

Best Scar Removal

“Own a body with skin you’re proud to show off with Dermatix”

3. It’s Non-drying
Worried about your skin drying out during the healing process? Don’t be. By using the Dermatix you can be sure to maintain your skin’s moisture balance, minimising the ricks of dry, itchy or red skin.

4. It’s Versatile
Not only can Dermatix be used anywhere on the body, but it can be used on all manner of scars; from minor burns to skin grafts or even scars from surgery. The Silicone Gel is also suitable for use of children who have suffered intense scarring such as major burns or skin grafts.

5. It’s Make-up Friendly
Good news for those who are a little more conscious of their scars: whilst you’re waiting for the Dermatix to kick into action, you can still use your beloved make up to conceal, without impeding on Dermatix’s healing and fading properties.

So there you have it! 5 reasons Dermatix is the perfection scar reducing product for you. Need more convincing? Check out the product HERE.



1. Mustoe TA et el. Plast Reconstr Surg 2002;110:560-571.
2. Mustoe. Aesth Plast Surg 2008;32:82-92.


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