Causes of Scars


13 Aug Causes of Scars

Scars Resulting from Surgery

Most people need to undergo a surgical procedure at some point in their lives and this can leave significant scarring depending on the type of procedure and skill of the surgeon. If you have a surgical scar you may feel, depending on the size and location, that you want to have further treatment to reduce the visibility of it as much as possible.

Cosmetic Surgery can be another procedure that will produce scarring of the body. Some of the
more common that could cause issues are as follows.

• Tummy Tuck Scar
• Breast implant/reduction scar
• Facial Surgery Scar

Acne Scars

You can be left with scars from pimples or spots. Anyone who has had bad Acne, probably has been left with scars. They can come in a number of different forms depending on the severity of the acne and how it has healed.

Normally the different forms of Acne Scars will fall into one of these categories.

•Icepick scars are the most common type of scar caused by acne. Icepick scars generally form deep
and narrow pits in the skin.

•Boxcar Scars: These normally occur on temples or cheeks and look quite like chickenpox scars.

•Rolling Scars: These are named after their appearance which is like a wave on the surface of the

•Hypertrophic / Keloid: Hypertrophic Scars are usually red, thick and elevated and can be itchy or painful while Keloid Scars are thick, rounded, irregular clusters of scar tissue that extend beyond the original wound

The majority of acne occurs on the face leaving people with facial scars which can embarrassing for
people. Facial Scar Removal is normally a high priority for anyone in this situation.

Chicken Pox Scars8375465_l

Another cause of similar scars is those caused by Chicken Pox. Chickenpox is a very common disease that causes blister like spots and an itchy rash with a tendency to leave behind unsightly scars. The scars caused by the airborne virus often fade in time but their visibility can leave those affected embarrassed by the unsightly marks. It is spread through close contact, from person to person through micro water droplet from coughing, sneezing, speech or saliva exchange. It can also be spread through contact with the pox blisters on the skin.

Although chickenpox are more common in childhood adults can also be affected by the disease and it is possible to contract the virus more than once, contrary to popular belief. Scar removal in this case is often desired depending on the severity of the specific case.

Burn Scars

Trauma from burns is the second most common, behind motor vehicle accidents, so many people are left with burn scars. Depending on the situation they can be very severe and cover large areas of the body. Others may have small burn scars or scalds from the spillage of hot liquids or touching something hot such as the oven.

Lancet 2012; 379:361-­‐72 ref: Williams HC, et al.

UK/DER/14/0002j – Date of preparation June 2014

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