Why women love men with scars


23 Apr Why women love men with scars

Scars are traditionally used in the media to portray a villain or an underdog, but despite the general perception being that physical symmetry is the pinnacle of beauty, there are now reports and studies stating that women find men with scars more attractive even if only in the short term (hello, night-time play mate). Now, we’re just left searching for the reasons why. Here are some theories:

  • They come with a story.

Ever been on a date with nothing to say? Haven’t we all. But imagine you’re on a date with someone sporting a 5 inch scar on their bicep. Enter the scar story: it’s a conversation starter, and, if the scars are dangerousplacement of it provides an excuse to touch their bicep. You just then have to hope that the story is heroic, and not simply a recap of how he cut himself shaving.

  • They’re caused by pain.

Women don’t want men to suffer, perhaps unless they’re coming through the other side of a messy break up. So theoretically, seeing a man sporting a scar that was born out of pain makes women feel nurturing and sympathetic, if a touch sadistic.

  • They look tough.

As much as women like to fight on this one, feminist or not there are always times when a woman is going to want to be looked after, and who better to do that than the man who has the scar to prove he fell out of a tree to save your cat, or wrestled a cow to milk it for your cup of tea? No one.

  • They’re not vain.

As much as we’d all like to think that we could go out with the perfectly symmetrical Ryan Gosling/George Clooney/Bradley Cooper (delete as applicable), realistically sights need to be set a little lower. Dating a guy with a perfect face minus the inch long scar above his eyebrow means that whilst he might care about his looks, he’s also not so worried about ruining them that he’s going to stand in a corner all night wrapped in cushions and smothered in bio-oil.

  • They look fun.

As previously mentioned, as the scarred man isn’t likely to sit in a corner wrapped in cushions, he’s likely to seem fun and up for a laugh. Whether throwing shapes on the dance floor, or spending their weekend on their motorbike, a scar makes a man seem like they’re up for adventure, and what woman could say no to that?


Whilst a scar obtained by falling over on a drunken night out might not encourage women to fawn over a man, the story that goes with it might.




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